• February 5, 2021
  • Vids
  • By: Ryan Kirk

No, we don’t get live shows right now filled with the energy of fellow music fanatics. Thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes are cruising the airwaves to all of the concert halls and venues we’ve come to love and adore over the years. And as unfortunate as it is, we have become even further engulfed in the screens of our phones. Digital shackles, and chains—tightened. Human interaction further diminished. But there is a star out there. One that’s deep in the interweb of our galaxy, a performance that can exist in the palm of our hands.

Smoke from a cold bite in the air exudes from his mouth as he belts the beautiful tones of his Americana roots. Iron Rangers on his feet. A heavy-duty flannel jacket protects him from the elements outside. A STETSON sits on his head. You may have thought you’ve seen a perfect match. This changes the perception of the phrase “a match made in heaven.”

“I want your bad moves again, I want to feel it crawling under my skin” he shouts, and time freezes, finally locked in the present—we stand in the moment.

And as he strums the banjo, in the middle of what looks like nowhere, barricaded in by wooden barn walls and a dirt floor, we can’t help but be thankful for the moment. For the sounds of our favorite artists who, in these tumultuous times, still bring a smile to our face, still are able to loan their voice—albeit thousands of miles away—and block out the outside noise.

He is Jonathon Robert Linaberry, the songwriter, storyteller, visual artist, and one-man-band behind The Bones of J.R. Jones. This is his latest single, Bad Moves, brought to you by the one and only Stetson.