
In Vintage We Trust

Wed: 12pm - 6pm
  • Wed: 12pm - 6pm
  • Thurs - Fri:12pm - 7pm
  • Sat: 12pm - 6pm
  • Sun: 12pm - 5pm
  • Mon - Tues: Closed

The year is 2035, you’re on the hunt for something very specific. You browse the racks, recognize names and numbers that strike memories, and then you see it: black and gold, the CIty Edition jersey of the Raptors’ championship season. The name on the back? Leonard. The name on the window next to you? In Vintage We Trust.


BY: Pete Whish Contributing writer

The good news is you don’t need to wait until 2035, to score some near-impossible to find vintage sportswear. In Vintage We Trust has called Toronto’s Parkdale neighborhood home since 2014. Sifting through the racks of jerseys, and stacks of throwback tees is a time warp. From the popular: an original Dream Team era US basketball jersey, to the obscure: a 1980’s Manchester United away kit. Whatever it may be, you’ll likely find one of the jerseys that inspired you in your younger years.

Despite falling short of our goals, perhaps the next best thing to the feeling of that Griffey Jr. dinger, touchdown pass, or no-look dish to Karl Malone, is finding the perfectly aged jersey that bears their name

The shop’s curated collections go far beyond jerseys and sportswear. Workwear and military jackets line the shop along with a selection of vinyl, sneakers and accessories. Regulars of IVWT, see new drops every Wednesday, along with rarities sourced and displayed as the seasons change.

One important question in all of this is: who could possibly amass such a collection of fashionable oddities? The answer: Joshua Roter and Chantal Varela.

This tandem has been Toronto’s go-to for all things vintage for many years. Their influence on local label hunters and savvy sportswear hypebeasts cannot be understated. The shop’s co-head honcho, was the voice of the people in the 2017 documentary The Carter Effect. The Drake-produced doc took viewers through Vince Carter’s journey to Toronto and his impact on Canadian basketball (queue the RJ Barrett highlight reel). Roter gives a passionate overture of the most recognizable Raptor’s influence on basketball across the country and simoustanly putting Toronto on the map. Before Drake coined ‘The 6’, the number that mattered in Toronto was that of the dunk comp champ—15.

Fortunately, Roter’s passion doesn’t stop with the Raps. A worthy Instagram follow, the voice of IVWT is the hype man that you never realized you needed in your life. Wednesdays are ‘drop days’ at IVWT, and not a week will go by where you won’t be trying to justify purchasing a Bo Jackson era Nike tee as Roter parades the shop’s newest editions.

Despite our best laid childhood plans, we may not have grown up to be the next Ken Griffey Jr., Joe Montana or John Stockton (underweight suburban white kids needs role models too). Despite falling short of our goals, perhaps the next best thing to the feeling of that Griffey Jr. dinger, touchdown pass, or no-look dish to Karl Malone, is finding the perfectly aged jersey that bears their name… well it’s maybe not the next best thing, but it’s still pretty great, and for that we have In Vintage We Trust to thank.


Cruise their website and try and tell us you won’t be stopping by next time you’re in The Six

Trying to cheat the rigid denim game and cop a pair that’s already broken in? Look no further

Next time you get ready to watch “the big game”, don’t be the dude rockin’ the same number as everyone else, a vintage jersey will stand out and always look fresh-to-death

If you don’t know what to get, just get a Vince Carter throwback. No man shall dare talk shat on Vincanity