Here at CYTIES, we enjoy a nice pour of bourbon or rye whiskey, especially as our clocks tick closer to fall. When looking for whiskey advice, we rely on our friendly neighborhood bartender to lead us in the right direction —Chris Blatner, aka Urban Bourbonist. What are Chris’s credentials? He’s an Executive Bourbon Steward through the Stave & Thief Society, runs the popular Instagram page @urbanbourbonist, and hosts the live talk show The Urban Bourbon Hour. Let’s just say he knows a little something about the coveted spirit. This will be the first piece in what we think will become your go-to resource for all things whiskey through the seasons. Take it away, Chris.
When you hit the road for an adventure, it’s all about traveling light and bringing only the essentials to enhance the experience. No road trip is complete without a great bottle of whiskey to share with your tripmates when you reach your destination. Like everything else you’re bringing along, you want to keep your booze simple.
I’ve put together a list of five American whiskeys that are infused with bold flavors from “finishing.” Which is just to say they were aged a bit longer, in a second, and occasionally third, barrel that previously held other spirits, syrups, or liqueurs. And sometimes, the secondary barrels are heavily charred or toasted to impart new flavors to the whiskey. Because of the robust character of these whiskeys, you won’t need to bring any additional mixers or other ingredients. Just pick one and enjoy it when you reach your refuge.